Intellectual property Policy

Intellectual property Policy


All the design of the Website,, the text, the graphics, the signs, the indications, the photos, the videos, the selection and its settings, all that constitutes “the Content”, are the intellectual and industrial property of the Agency and are protected by the relevant provisions of Greek, Community and international law for the protection of intellectual and industrial property and constitute an Intellectual Property Right. The Agency has also registered its indications as trademarks and no one can use those trademarks without the prior written consent of the Agency.


The composition of the content and the layout of its elements that each time contained on the Website belongs exclusively to the Agency and is protected by the relevant provisions of Greek, EU and international law. The Agency and / or its licensors expressly hereby reserve for all intellectual and industrial property rights to each and all elements of the content of


Subject to the above, the user undertakes not to create a derivative and content-based work of, not to copy, reproduce, republish, republish, “upload”, modify, transmit or sell or exploit in any way in any way. or in part the Website Material or related software, not to index it, not to frame it with another website, not to enter it as a link for direct access from another website to its internal information, not to copy its location on another server by creating an image, not to mislead third parties regarding the origin of the content of any element of the Website and not to promise the right to a third party from, without the explicit prior written consent of the Agency. It is also not allowed to create and / or publish a database that contains important parts of the website without the prior explicit consent of the Agency.


The users with the use of accept unconditionally, agree and confess that they will make legal and appropriate use of especially in accordance with the terms set out above. Therefore, users indicatively and not restrictively agree that they will not use to transmit or access content that infringes any intellectual and industrial property rights of third parties or the Agency.


This Intellectual Property Protection Policy constitutes an integral part of the Terms of Use of this Website.